What is the Major Cause of Employee Turnover? a Case Study
Key Learning Outcomes
By the end of the case, students should be able to:
- Identify the main factors that contribute to employee turnover in different contexts and industries.
- Analyze the costs and benefits of employee turnover for both employers and employees.
- Apply strategies and best practices to reduce employee turnover and increase employee retention and engagement.
The success and achievement of any organization depends on the quality and quantity of its workforce (Borthwick, 2011). In a global economy that is increasingly driven by knowledge, information, and high-level skills, human capital will become more and more important for business organizations around the world. Ideally, every organization wants to retain its employees and ensure they are productive and satisfied with their work until retirement. However, this is not always the case in reality. Employees may decide to quit their jobs due to personal, professional, or organizational factors. This affects the performance and stability of the organization and its workforce.
The concept of employee turnover
Employee turnover refers to the rate at which employees leave an organization. Kazi and Zedah (2011) describe employee turnover as the regular change of employees around the employment market among organizations, professions, and careers; and between the conditions of full employment and that of being without a job.
Employee turnover can also be defined as a measure of the number of employees leaving and being replaced within a particular period, usually a year, expressed as a percentage of the total labor force at the beginning of the period (Abbasi & Hollman, 2000; Adeniji, 2009).
For the purpose of the current study, the concept of employee turnover can be defined as a measurement of the length of time an organization’s employees stay in the workforce of the organization and how frequently the organization has to replace its workforce. Anytime an employee leaves the workforce of any business organization, the reasons for leaving notwithstanding, and such employee is being replaced, it is referred to as labor turnover.